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L'université minière d'État de l'Oural a été créée sous le nom d'Institut minier d'Ekaterinbourg en 1914 par l'empereur Nicolas II.
L'université minière d'État de l'Oural collabore étroitement avec les entreprises du secteur minier.

Pourquoi opter pour L'université minière d'État de l'Oural:
- Une histoire et une tradition académique riches
- Un métier demandé sur le marché
- Un emploi garanti
- Une formation théorique fondamentale et des compétences appliquées

L'université dispose de quatre résidences universitaires bien équipées qui accueillent 1 260 étudiants. Pour ceux qui aiment le sport, des salles de sport et de musculation sont disponibles dans les résidences.

Types de programmes éducatifs:

  • Bachelor
  • Spécialiste
  • Master

Important: l'université ne dispose pas de son propre cours préparatoire pour les étudiants internationaux. Vous pouvez suivre le cours préparatoire dans une autre université pour vous inscrire ensuite dans celle-ce.
Vous trouverez la liste des spécialités dans les onglets ci-dessous.


Coût d’études: de 130 000 jusqu’à 160 000 roubles par an.

Coût de logement dans la résidence universitaire: à partir de 1000 roubles par mois.


  • Technological Machines and Equipment (educational program: Machinery and Equipment for Gas and Oil Fields)
  • Mechanical Engineering (educational program: Production and Renovation of Machinery and Equipment)
  • Automation of Technological Processes and Manufacture (educational program: Automation of Technological Processes and Manufacture in Mining Industry)
  • Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering (educational programs: Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems of Mining and Industrial Enterprises, Electrical Power Engineering at Industrial Enterprises)
  • Technology of Transport Processes (educational program: Organization of Transportation and Management of Transport)
  • Land Management and Cadasters (educational programs: Property Cadaster, Geodetic Supply of Land Use and Land Cadastral Works)
  • Ecology and Environmental Management (educational program: Ecology and Environmental Management at Mining and Industrial Enterprises)
  • Technosphere Safety (educational program: Engineering Safety of Environment)
  • Technosphere Safety (educational programs: Fire Safety, Protection in Emergency, Technological Processes and Productions Safety)
  • Informatics and Computer Engineering (educational programs:Automation Systems of Data Processing and Management, educational programs:Automation Systems of Business Process Management)
  • Environmental Engineering and Water Use (educational program: Environmental Management of Territories)
  • Management (educational programs: Production Management, Strategic Management)
  • Economics (educational programs: Economics and Company Management, Economics and Company Management at Mineral Resources Sector Enterprises)
  • Human Resource Management (educational program: Human Resource Management at Enterprises)
  • Costume and Textile Art (educational program: Artistic Jewelry Design)
  • Information Systems and Technologies (educational program: Geo-information Systems)
  • Artistic Material Processing Technology (educational program: Artistic Material Processing Technology)


  • Ecology and Environmental Management. Master`s degree: Ecology and Environmental Management at Mining and Industrial Enterprises
  • Informatics and Computer Engineering. Master`s degree: Technology of Software Development
  • Information Systems and Technologies. Master`s degree: Geo-information Systems
  • Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Master`s degree: Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems of Mining and Industrial Enterprises
  • Mechanical Engineering. Master`s degree: Quality Assurance and Reliability Systems of Engineering Products
  • Technological Machines and Equipment. Master`s degree: Machinery and Equipment for Oil and Gas and Mining Complexes
  • Artistic Material Processing Technology
  • Automation of Technological Processes and Production. Master`s degree: Automation and Management of Technological Processes of Hazardous Production Facilities
  • Technosphere Safety. Master`s degree: Technosphere Safety Systems at Mining Enterprises, Technosphere Safety Management and Emergency Protection
  • Environmental Engineering and Water Use. Master`s degree: Urban Ecology and Environmental Management of Territories
  • Land Management and Cadasters. Master`s degree: Property Management and Integrated Territorial Development
  • Technology of Transport Processes. Master`s degree: Projecting of mining automotive transport (automotive industry)
  • Management. Master`s degree: Management of environmental engineering and water use international projects


  • Mining Engineering
  • Mineral dressing
  • Mining Machinery and Equipment
  • Electrification and Automation of Mining Production
  • Mine Surveying
  • Underground Mining of Stratified Deposits
  • Underground Mining of Ore Deposits
  • Surface Mining Operations
  • Mine and Underground Construction
  • Blasting Work
  • Process Safety and Mine Rescue Work
  • Mining Ecology
  • Applied Geology
  • Geological Surveying, Prospecting and Exploration of Solid Minerals
  • Groundwater Surveying and Exploration and Geological Engineering Surveys
  • Oil and Gas Geology
  • Applied Geochemistry, Petrology, Mineralogy
  • Geological Exploration Technology
  • Geophysical Methods of Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Deposits
  • Geophysical Methods of Drillhole Exploration
  • Mineral Exploration Technology and Techniques
  • Seismic Survey
  • Geophysical Information Systems

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Telegram Students Internationsl


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